Monday, 30 January 2012

Bernhard Leitner’s Soundcube, 1969

In 1969, Leitner began his research on sound defined space. A room involving 6 x 64 loud speakers designed to have sound to travel from one side to another, circling, spiraling, changing in pitch and direction...


Thursday, 26 January 2012

trash the net?

social media?

Cable TV was originally a community & social media… in the 70s as a method of capturing video & the concept of media, distributing the media around closed loops in communities & syndication of shows for distribution.  The guerrilla media approach was adapted throughout the production as the equipment was far more accessible & not confined to a sterile studio.  These methods saw innovation in the capture & management & attitude toward media distribution.

Regulation & Commercialisation was imposed on Cable TV in the 80’s after the CBS Television Network commissioned some enthusiasts to write & publish a book Guerrilla Media.  The writers could see the demise of their free & unregulated networks. However, CBS was looking to have a reference for the philosophy & motivation of a social network - they valued the original concept & understood that the “hippies” & enthusiasts had developed unique networks, distribution, production values & philosophy as a creative direction.

Later, Internet Relay Chat (IRC / after Telnet but far more accessible) in the early 90’s was the basis of social networking today with many of the same features… nick, chat, private, #chans, direct file transfers.  The networks developed a hierarchy & were managed by users with trained & earned status based on trust, respect & capability.  Again the moderation & security was from the community - an unusual gaggle of geeks & freaks with this Anon & his wife aged mid 30s regular respected citizens of the AUSTNET IRC Network.  We provided two collocated servers on fast connections in New Zealand & the USA.

10 years ago we recruited & commissioned young code hackers from AUSTNET for exciting commercial projects demonstrating new broadband & fiber technologies.  Generally these kids used a common dial up connection & could only imagine the results we would achieve at the largest Internet Exhibitions CeBIT & NetWorld on massive connectivity & bandwidth; the coders were all obsessed & stayed connected to 50,000 simultaneous users on up to 15 servers around Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada & a couple of stray ones in Europe.  The AUSTNET IRC network was very well moderated & controlled & had little problems with pornography, abuse & such; more as a chat network or gaming chat in safe environ’ with the original conservative & christian values of AUSTNET founder Rogery with Seecs, Kwahraw & Sunflower was offset by the almost abusive & direct attitudes of CA & Boss Man, 6 legends in AUSTNET history; there were hundreds of rooms with users & bots in all of them, each user finding their own group of friends & taking advice from IRCops or trusted ASD “helpers”.

Since 2000 the internet & mobile services have delivered all that we imagined & without disappointment as one of the main factors of the advancement has been in product design - our media tools are now functional & beautiful.  Broadband & WiFi have changed & motivated the way we interact with media & communicate; we have got "wasteful" with bandwidth as more is available; & our media has become "disposable" & flipant with Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr; Facebook released in 2004 & now has a population that is difficult to comprehend - $800 Million active users with an average of 130 friends & a total of 900 Million objects like pages & groups; 350 Million active users access Facebook through their mobile devices.

There are common factors of concept & development in social media.

- First is community - there is no society without community;

- Second is enthusiasm, collective talent obsesion & passion.

so what's up?

The internet by many accounts is about to be heavily regulated, censured & monitored… we’re told that freedoms & privacy will be lost.  Historically this would signal a time of creative & technical innovation that would result in new communication & social media technology from established & fragmented communities.

Consideration is required in the conceptual, philosophical & creative aspects of the relationship of user & media in future communication & media technologies.  In the present media environment questions of copyright & ownership of media will be a prerequisite consideration for any creative development (maybe the ultimate motivation) but ease of access & creative commons style licensing will be just as important.  However, present technical & physical constraints of the internet with the limitations of our biased & learned perception will effect any new technology concept.

In any event there will be three simple motivations in this creative process: social media; community; & ethic.



don’t believe the hype…

The recent attempt to use Anonymous to take down Facebook on the 28th of January 2012 was flawed from the outset…

This Anon decided to ask:
What was that guy was thinking?
Why not Facebook?
When do we give up on the Internet?

What he did was produce a video calling for support for a series of DoS attacks on Facebook; posted to a highly subscribed youtube account; & stated that the attack would occur on the 28th January at midnight (no time zone).

The deluded peep (yep singular - he states “I have decided…” in his video) made the announcement as an “official” Anonymous call to arms.  At closer inspection he did not have a legitimate tone or reason but the biggest giveaway was the failure to refer to himself as "Anon". The video was pasted on what appeared to be an affiliate Anon youtube account but now removed due to copyright infringements.

Facebook attacks have failed to appeal to Anonymous participants in the past with a serious proposition last month that didn’t get support at all (in fact failed before it started & in this latest threat the flaws seem to be similar including a demanding & hard sell of LOIC & HOIC).  Initially this Anon took the call as a legitimate Anonymous statement but there was an unusual lack of integrity & anonymity with an aggression that was not required; Anonymous is apolitical - demonstrated in its lack of a constitution, organisation, communication & its natural development.  In this context the personal references in the threat to Facebook indicated a misunderstanding of the Anonymous ideal & an ego driven agenda.

We are Anonymous / We are Legion / We Do Not Forgive / We Do Not Forget / EXPECT US

... note that the notion & ideal of this statement are all present tense & direct.  This is not an aggressive statement - it is simply assertive; little chance of a mistake in the reason or context
Anyone may be part of Anonymous… be Anon... some decided to occupy urban areas all over the world; others adopt a black or V for vendetta mask as a profile picture to show their support; others are in systems & making havoc in a productive manner. Anonymous movement participants will use the term Anon to refer to themselves or others in the group; an Anon would make a “call to arms” with the resources that may be found at the websites below; the chances of getting caught participating in an Anonymous action are almost nil if the tools are used properly - just follow the instructions (average IQ required here); YOU get to decide which campaigns to “attend” or participate in.


  • TOR BROSER browse anonymously go to
this will change your IP


Hip Hop strip...
