Thursday, 26 January 2012


don’t believe the hype…

The recent attempt to use Anonymous to take down Facebook on the 28th of January 2012 was flawed from the outset…

This Anon decided to ask:
What was that guy was thinking?
Why not Facebook?
When do we give up on the Internet?

What he did was produce a video calling for support for a series of DoS attacks on Facebook; posted to a highly subscribed youtube account; & stated that the attack would occur on the 28th January at midnight (no time zone).

The deluded peep (yep singular - he states “I have decided…” in his video) made the announcement as an “official” Anonymous call to arms.  At closer inspection he did not have a legitimate tone or reason but the biggest giveaway was the failure to refer to himself as "Anon". The video was pasted on what appeared to be an affiliate Anon youtube account but now removed due to copyright infringements.

Facebook attacks have failed to appeal to Anonymous participants in the past with a serious proposition last month that didn’t get support at all (in fact failed before it started & in this latest threat the flaws seem to be similar including a demanding & hard sell of LOIC & HOIC).  Initially this Anon took the call as a legitimate Anonymous statement but there was an unusual lack of integrity & anonymity with an aggression that was not required; Anonymous is apolitical - demonstrated in its lack of a constitution, organisation, communication & its natural development.  In this context the personal references in the threat to Facebook indicated a misunderstanding of the Anonymous ideal & an ego driven agenda.

We are Anonymous / We are Legion / We Do Not Forgive / We Do Not Forget / EXPECT US

... note that the notion & ideal of this statement are all present tense & direct.  This is not an aggressive statement - it is simply assertive; little chance of a mistake in the reason or context
Anyone may be part of Anonymous… be Anon... some decided to occupy urban areas all over the world; others adopt a black or V for vendetta mask as a profile picture to show their support; others are in systems & making havoc in a productive manner. Anonymous movement participants will use the term Anon to refer to themselves or others in the group; an Anon would make a “call to arms” with the resources that may be found at the websites below; the chances of getting caught participating in an Anonymous action are almost nil if the tools are used properly - just follow the instructions (average IQ required here); YOU get to decide which campaigns to “attend” or participate in.


  • TOR BROSER browse anonymously go to
this will change your IP


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