Saturday, 30 April 2011

WWW turns 18 <<

Eighteen years ago today, CERN released the source code of WorldWideWeb - the first Web browser and editor - into the public domain.

"CERN's decision to make the Web foundations and protocols available on a royalty free basis, and without additional impediments, was crucial to the Web's existence. Without this commitment, the enormous individual and corporate investment in Web technology simply would never have happened, and we wouldn't have the Web today."" target="_blank">Tim Berners-Lee, Director, WWW Consortium


screen shots of the first browser

[ from Wikipedia - ]


Berners-Lee wrote WorldWideWeb on a NeXT Computer[4] during the second half of 1990, while working for CERN. The first successful build was completed on December 25, 1990, after only two months of development.[5] Successive builds circulated among Berners-Lee's colleagues at CERN before being released to the public, by way of Internet newsgroups, in August 1991.[5] By this time, several others, including Bernd Pollermann, Robert Cailliau, Jean-François Groff,[6] and graduate student Nicola Pellow – who wrote the Line Mode Browser – were involved in the project.[5]

The team created so called "passive browsers" which don't have the editing prospects because it was hard to port the ability editing pages like on the NeXT system to other operating systems.[2] The port to the X Window System (X) wasn't possible as nobody on the team had experience with X.[2]

Berners-Lee and Groff later adapted many of WorldWideWeb's components into a C programming language version, creating the libwww API.[7]

A number of early browsers appeared, notably ViolaWWW. They were all eclipsed by Mosaic in terms of popularity, which by 1993, had replaced the WorldWideWeb program. Those involved in its creation had moved on to other tasks, such as defining standards and guidelines for the further development of the World Wide Web – e.g. HTML, various communication protocols, etc.

On April 30, 1993, the CERN directorate released the source code of WorldWideWeb into the public domain, making it free software. Several versions of the software are still available to download from's browser archive. Berners-Lee initially considered releasing it under the GNU General Public License, but eventually opted for public domain to maximize corporate support.[8][9]

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